Gaetano A. Lanza, MDa,*, Gregory A. Sgueglia, MDa, Giulia Angeloni, MDb, Sergio Valsecchic, Alfonso Sestito, MDa, Antonio G. Rebuzzi, MDa, Filippo Crea, MDa, Attilio Maseri, MDd, and Domenico Cianflone, MDd, for the Stratificazione Prognostica dell’Angina Instabile Study Investigators
Susmita Parashar, MD, MPH, MSa,*, Ronit Katz, DPhilb, Nicholas L. Smith, PhDb,c, Alice M. Arnold, PhDb, Viola Vaccarino, MD, PhDa, Nanette K. Wenger, MDa, and John S. Gottdiener, MDd
Laurent Bonello, MD, Axel De Labriolle, MD, Gilles Lemesle, MD, Daniel H. Steinberg, MD, Probal Roy, MD, Zhenyi Xue, MS, Rebecca Torguson, MPH, Kimberley Kaneshige, BS, William O. Suddath, MD, Lowell F. Satler, MD, Kenneth M. Kent, MD, PhD, Augusto D. Pichard, MD, Joseph Lindsay, MD, and Ron Waksman, MD Washington, DC
Kirkwood F. Adams, Jr., MD,a John H. Patterson, PharmD,b Ron M. Oren, MD,c Mandeep R. Mehra, MD,d Christopher M. O’Connor, MD,e Ileana L. Pin˜a, MD,f Alan B. Miller, MD,g Jun R. Chiong, MD,h Stephanie H. Dunlap, DO,i William G. Cotts, MD,j Gary M. Felker, MD,e Douglas D. Schocken, MD,k Todd A. Schwartz, DrPH,l and Jalal K. Ghali, MDm for the STAMINA-HFP Registry Investigators Chapel Hill and Durham, NC; Iowa City, IA; Baltimore, MD; Cleveland and Cincinnati, OH; Jacksonville and Tampa FL; Loma Linda, CA; Chicago, IL; and Detroit, MI