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Prospective assessment of the occurrence of anemia in patients with heart failure: Results from the Study of Anemia in a Heart Failure Popul
[ ] 03.05.2009, 14:44
Background Although a potentially important pathophysiologic factor in heart failure, the prevalence and predictors
of anemia have not been well studied in unselected patients with heart failure.
Methods The Study of Anemia in a Heart Failure Population (STAMINA-HFP) Registry prospectively studied the
prevalence of anemia and the relationship of hemoglobin to health-related quality of life and outcomes among patients with
heart failure. A random selection algorithm was used
to reduce bias during enrollment of patients seen in specialty clinics or clinics of community cardiologists with experience
in heart failure. In this initial report, data on prevalence and correlates of anemia were analyzed in 1,076 of the 1,082 registry
patients who had clinical characteristics and hemoglobin determined by finger-stick at baseline.
Results Overall (n = 1,082), the registry patients were 41% female and 73% white with a mean age (±SD) of 64 ±
14 years (68 ± 13 years in community and 57 ± 14 years in specialty sites, P b .001). Among the 1,076 patients in the
prevalence analysis, mean hemoglobin was 13.3 ± 2.1 g/dL (median 13.2 g/dL); and anemia (defined by World Health
Organization criteria) was present in 34%. Age identified patients at risk for anemia, with 40% of patients N70 years affected.
Conclusions Initial results from the STAMINA-HFP Registry suggest that anemia is a common comorbidity in unselected
outpatients with heart failure. Given the strong association of anemia with adverse outcomes in heart failure, this study supports
further investigation concerning the importance of anemia as a therapeutic target in this condition. (Am Heart J

Категория: Статьи | Добавил: nbylova
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