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Patients with Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Have Hyperleptinemia Suggestive of Leptin Resistance
[ ] 06.06.2011, 10:26
Objective: Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a genetically heterogeneous disorder of the primary
cilium associated with obesity. In BBS mouse models, ciliary dysfunction leads to impaired leptin
signaling and hyperleptinemia before obesity onset. To study the pathophysiology of obesity in
BBS, we compared patients with BBS and body mass index Z-score (BMI-Z)-matched controls.
Design and Methods: Fifty patients with BBS were matched 2:1 by age, sex, race, and BMI-Z with
100 controls. Patients with BBS and controls were compared for differences in body composition
(dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, abdominal magnetic resonance imaging), blood pressure Zscore
(BP-Z; standardized for age, sex, and height), and fasting concentrations of leptin, lipids,
insulin, and glucose. Patients with BBS were also compared by genotype.
Results: Leptin, triglycerides, intraabdominal fat mass, and diastolic BP-Z were significantly greater
in patients with BBS than in the controls. BBS1 (27%) and BBS10 (30%) mutations were the most
prevalent. Patients with BBS10 mutations had significantly higher BMI-Z, greater visceral adiposity,
and greater insulin resistance than those with BBS1 mutations.
Conclusions: Patients with BBS had higher leptin than expected for their degree of adiposity, consistent
with the notion that ciliopathy-induced leptin signaling dysfunction is associated with leptin
resistance. The preferential deposition of fat intraabdominally in patients with BBS may indicate a
predisposition for metabolic complications, including hypertension and hypertriglyceridemia. The observation
of disparate results in the BBS10 vs. BBS1 mutation groups is the first demonstration of
physiological differences among patients with BBS caused by mutations in distinct genes. These results
suggest that the obesity of BBS is distinct from nonsyndromic obesity. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 96:
E528–E535, 2011)
Категория: Статьи | Добавил: nbylova
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