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Association of Plasma Leptin Concentrations with Adiposity Measurements in Rural Chinese Adolescents
[ ] 20.09.2009, 14:39

Context: There is evidence that leptin is involved in the etiology of obesity-related cardiovascular

disease in adults. This raises the question of whether leptin levels in adolescence are indicative of

adiposity-related cardiovascular risk.

Objective: This study investigated gender-specific patterns of plasma leptin during adolescence,

assessed which adiposity measurements are most strongly associated with plasma leptin, and

estimated to what degree leptin-adiposity associations are influenced by genetic factors.

Methods: Plasma leptin concentrations were determined using a sandwich immunoassay. Associations

between plasma leptin and several adiposity measurements were examined using generalized

estimating equations. Genetic contribution to leptin-adiposity association was estimated by

Cholesky decomposition models using twin design.

Results: Plasma leptin levels were higher in females than males at all Tanner stages. In females,

body mass index, waist circumference, fat mass index (FMI), and percentage body fat (%BF) had

similar associations with leptin levels. In males, %BF and FMI were more strongly associated with

leptin levels than body mass index and waist circumference. In both males and females, percentage

trunk fat had the weakest association with leptin among the five adiposity measures. Shared

genetic factors account for more than80%of the phenotypic correlation between%BFand leptin.

Conclusions:Wefound gender differences in leptin levels and leptin-adiposity associations. In both

genders, leptin levels were strongly associated with %BF and FMI, particularly in males. Shared

genetic factors contributed largely to the phenotypic correlation between leptin and %BF. Our

findings underscored the importance of further investigation of leptin as a biomarker of adiposity

in adolescents. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 3497–3504, 2009)

Категория: Статьи | Добавил: nbylova
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