— After this dietary intervention, fasting glucose levels decreased in all three SNP
45TG genotype groups. Subjects with the SNP 45TT genotype showed increased adiponectin
levels and decreased HOMA-IR indexes. Haplotype analysis revealed that homozygous carriers
of the TG haplotype (45TT and 276GG) and heterozygous carriers of the TG haplotype (TG/X)
showed a reduction in the HOMA-IR index after adjustment for baseline levels. Significant
differences were observed in changes in HOMA-IR indexes and adiponectin concentrations
according to the 45-276 TG haplotype in overweight-obese, but not in normal-weight subjects:
the greatest decrease in HOMA-IR indexes and the greatest increase in adiponectin levels were
shown in overweight-obese subjects with the TG/TG haplotype.