(CKD) is increasing
in prevalence
in the United
States. Therapies
that can retard the progression of
CKD are needed to prevent the morbidity
and mortality associated with
reduced renal function. Although
multiple studies published in the
past 10 years have supported the
combination use of angiotensinconverting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors
and angiotensin receptor blockers
(ARBs) to decrease proteinuria
and delay disease progression, it is
our position that combinations of
ACE inhibitors and ARBs should be
used with great caution in patients
with CKD. We do not dispute that
ACE inhibitors or ARBs used as
monotherapy can decrease proteinuria
and retard progression of renal
disease. However, in combination,
the risks of adverse effects, including
hyperkalemia, hypotension, and
worsening renal failure, could outweigh
the purported benefits of dual
blockade. Until more studies are
conducted on the safety of dual renin-
angiotensin blockade on the average
patient in the community who
has CKD, the simultaneous use of
ACE inhibitors and ARBs should be
discouraged in primary care.